Monday, February 9, 2015

I Love To Read Month Contest

February 9, 2015

Good Morning Fourth Graders,

This month is I Love To Read Month. To celebrate reading at Lincoln Center we will have a Decorate the Door contest.  Each classroom will express creativity and display the best PYP and reading connections on their classroom doors.  Look at the flyer below created by Mrs. Gerber for more detail. 
Happy Reading!
Reading + PYP - Decorate the Door contest!
PYP believes that language arts are essential for learning, expressing our creativity, and building relationships.  In an effort to show how the PYP and reading go together, we will sponsor a Door Decoration Contest during the month of February!  

Let’s celebrate reading for understanding and enjoyment, express our creativity, and show how we express ourselves on our classroom doors!!!
One  Intermediate Classroom

and One Primary Classroom
  • Will be honored for the best display of PYP and reading with
                 $150 to spend on books for your classroom!!!!!
  • Will receive $150 to spend on supplies for the best effort in door display as a way to honor the process of working together to create meaning. (Student effort is valued most.)
What: Decorate your classroom door in a way that shows how or what your classroom reads and how reading relates to the PYP. (Do any of the essential elements of the PYP relate to your reading? Concepts? Attitudes?  Action? or Skills?? Maybe a transdisciplinary theme? ) The display should represent a collaborative effort by students in order to receive the effort award.
Who: Ryan Higbea and another VIP will judge the door for best understanding and display of the PYP + Reading as well as for best student effort.
When: Please have your doors ready by February 23rd for judging on the 25th.  Winners will be announced and everyone will celebrate the love of reading with a popcorn reading party later in the month.

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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