Tuesday, February 17, 2015

This Just In!!

February 17, 2015

Good morning inquirers!
Book Talk Tuesday has been rescheduled for 'Well, Better Late, Than Never Wednesday Book Talk!' Stay tuned for Mrs. Applequist's book talk about THE INVISIBLE BRIDGE.

We'd like to take time this morning to very warmly and graciously welcome Mrs. Brown back to our fourth grade community! Please be gentle and sincere when you are welcoming her back to school. Have empathy and think about what you say and what your body language shares. What will your message to her be? We are so happy you're back, or do you kind of wish you were at home still?!?!

Welcome back, Mrs. Brown!

We will begin a four day WIN switch today. Before specialist your teacher will tell you where to go. Please remember our WIN Essential Agreements. It is important for us all to work on self management in order to be safe in the hallways before and after the WIN switch. What should the hallways look and sound like before and after WIN?

Last, if you brought blue applications for Young Authors, remember to turn them into your teachers.

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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