Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Well, Better Late Than Never, Book Talk Wednesday

February 18, 2015

Good morning thinkers,
Thank you for your patience with postponing "Book Talk Tuesday." I am sure many of you have been waiting and wondering about the historical fiction book I am reading! ;)

I am reading THE INVISIBLE BRIDGE by Julie Orringer. This book is about a young man, Andras, and his journey from Hungary to Paris. He has won a scholarship to attend college and study architecture. The story is set during World War II during the Holocaust. Andras is a Hungarian Jewish man whose life is changed forever.

One review I read about the book said, "...  the power of this book is that it will make you appreciate your warm bed, your clean sheets and each meal and trip to the grocery store by portraying what it was like when all these things were unavailable." 

I am not very far into the book and already want to know more about him and how he will change during this life altering experience. I am also wondering what PYP attitudes and concepts I will see that will allow Andras to persevere through World War II.

Image result for the invisible bridge          Image result for the invisible bridge

Good readers make connections. Think. Do you have any real-life connections to Andras? What little have I told you? He has won a scholarship. He is interested in architecture/design. He is Jewish. He faces a life changing experience. 

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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