Monday, November 30, 2015

Just Times It Baby

November 30,2015

Welcome back!
I hope the long weekend was peaceful and relaxing for each of you! Breaks from school and work give us a time to reflect and renew! Now that we're rested, let's get ready for a solid week!

In math, we're all working on multiplication. There are many strategies for multiplying numbers. Basic multiplication is used every single day in the real world. Shoppers, cooks, engineers, doctors,  teachers, students and more multiply everyday! Remember, we're all at different starting points with multiplication... some of you are at the starting line, and some of you are rounding the corners! Where ever you are on your math journey, remember, we'll all get to the finish line!

Image result for basic multiplication clipart

A 3rd/4th grade class reflected on what might help others learn basic multiplication. Together they wrote and recorded this song! The song is familiar to all of us... focus on the lyrics!

Just Times It Baby

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

We are Grateful

November 25, 2015

Hello 3rd Graders,
Thanksgiving is a time to show appreciation; we each have many things to be thankful for. Your teachers would like to take this opportunity to share what we are grateful for. 

Mrs. Costain shares...
I am thankful for students who truly come to school and want to learn and try their best.
I am thankful for a healthy and beautiful family who make me want to be a better person.

Ms. Thompson shares...
School-eager learners who are kind to one another and colleagues who are fun to work with 

Mrs. Krone shares...
Home: three happy and healthy daughters (that need to stop growing up so fast)

Mrs. Moen shares...
I am thankful for having a class full of respectful, hard-working students that I get to spend every day with.  I am thankful for my growing family… Mrs. Moen is expecting a new baby in April! 

Mrs. Applequist shares....
I have so much gratitude for the students and families I get to work with at Lincoln Center! We all do better, when we ALL do better!
I am also so grateful for my family. My husband is my bff, and our daughters are the loves of our lives!! I am also thankful for red Starbucks cups... they just make me happy!

Mrs. Gerken shares...
I am thankful for a great group of children that I get to spend TWO years with! I'm also grateful for my family and friends! 

3rd Graders, what are you grateful for? Have a safe and peaceful long weekend. Find ways to show your appreciation!

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Hola LC 4th Graders, from Senor Stanke!

Thank you for inviting me to Book Talk Tuesday! I wanted to share with you a little bit about my reading that I do every week. I am taking a lot of classes right now! I just finished my Master's Degree, and have continued on for another degree in Leadership. This has me reading A LOT of books about leadership, how schools can succeed, and most of all how to best support students and teachers. 

Image result for education leadership quotes

However, when I am not reading for school, I really enjoy reading for fun! I read the newspapers and Time Magazine a lot, but right now I am reading an autobiography by a state senator from Atlanta, Georgia. His name is John Lewis, and he was a close friend and colleague of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. I was lucky enough to even meet him two summers ago in Washington D.C.! He lives the profile daily in the way that he cares and advocates for others. He is a champion of equality and freedom for all. 

I love to read about history, magical fantasy, culture (especially Latin American culture!) and mysteries! I have not always been the fastest reader, but when I find a good book, it is hard to put down. Thank you again for letting me share with you! 

Image result for john lewis  Image result for time magazine covers  Image result for newspaper

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Sunday, November 22, 2015


November 23, 2015

Hello 3rd graders,
Your teachers and many other adults in the building have noticed a big improvement with our lines at dismissal. Way to go! Your efforts with line basics and self control are noticeable!

It is time to transfer that self control to the cafeteria. Last week a few helpers in the lunchroom mentioned that 3rd graders are the noisiest and the messiest! What?!?! At the very beginning of the year we talked about expectations in the lunchroom. As a reminder, stay sitting at YOUR table until your teacher asks you to line up. Also, make sure your table and the floor near you is tidy. Let's imagine we're eating in a restaurant... what would you look and sound like? Let's make noticeable improvements!

Image result for lunchroom clipart    Image result for lunchroom clipart   

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Friday, November 20, 2015


November 20, 2015

Hello 3rd Graders!
It's Friday. I don't know about you, but I'm happy the weekend is nearly here! We work so diligently all week long. It feels good to work hard, and it feels good to rest!

Did you realize report cards are coming soon? In a few short weeks the first trimester will be complete. What have you been doing to reach your Hopes & Dreams? Have you accomplished it yet? What do you think  your report card will say to your families? Will they be surprised?

Really reflect on your commitment to learning. Are you being your best self?

Image result for being your best self

Listen to Kid President's Pep Talk! Then... reflect, choose, act.

Pep Talk for Students and Teachers

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


November 18, 2015

Hello Principled Students,
Each of us has a job to do while we're at Lincoln Center. And, each of us is on a team with classmates and a teacher. We work together to meet standards and achieve goals. When we think about it, we can even help each other with our Hopes & Dreams.

Today is Wednesday... the middle of our work week together. What do you do to make sure you're caught up with your work? Why do you want your work to be finished? Each team (class) has it's own way of making sure children are caught up with school work. Today, reflect on your work and why you do (or don't) do it.

Image result for commitment to learning

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Book Talk Tuesday

November 10, 2015

Hello Literarians!
I think I made that word up! Someone Google it!

Book Talk Tuesday comes to you from an author named Nina Laden and is read by Eric Close. This story is about an unlikely pair that finds they have more in common than they think. What reading skill can we practice when we are finding similarities and differences?

Who do you have more in common with? Pigasso or Mootisse? 

Be good. Be nice. Behave.