Monday, November 9, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday

November 10, 2015

Hello Hungry 3rd Graders!
Book Talk Tuesday comes to you from The Applequist girls. We read together almost every day. Usually the books we read together have something to do with fairies, animals, jokes, or little girls. Every once in awhile though, I get to pick the book!

Tonight I picked, THE JOY OF COOKING! You see, I love banana bread. I really love banana bread. And, in my humble opinion THE JOY OF COOKING recipe makes the very best banana bread. I'm not sure why it makes the best; the recipe is quite simple. Perhaps it is the best because I always make it with my girls.

Cook books are non-fiction and are considered culinary literature. They are how-to books that give directions for cooking and baking. Some people follow the directions exactly, while others use them as suggestions.

I hope you have an opportunity to cook or bake something with a loved one. It is really a fun experience... and you get to practice reading while you're at it!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Okay. Okay. Okay. I have to let you in on a secret. The truth is, my husband read the recipe and baked with the girls. That's the real reason I probably love this banana bread so much... because the people I love the most made it for me!

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