Tuesday, November 3, 2015

What's the same? What's different?

November 4, 2015

Hello Thinkers!
Why do we spend so much time working on new reading skills and reviewing ones we've already learned? I mean, come on, we learning about comparing and contrasting in second grade! Some of us even did Venn Diagrams in first grade and kindergarten! I bet some of you sometimes feel this way!

The reason we continue to learn and review concepts is to continue to grow, strengthen, and sharpen these skills. Comparing and contrasting is one of the skills you will continue to strengthen every year. Readers compare and contrast in order to make connections in what they are reading. Finding similarities and differences helps us to understand the text better. We make this connections between characters, settings, books/movies, books/books... the possibilities are endless!

Here is a great story to practice comparing and contrasting.Watch this with your class and discuss the similarities and differences between the main characters.

Our Walk in the Woods

Image result for our walk in the woods

Compare and contrast this too...
Be good. Be nice. Behave.
Be principled. Be caring. Have integrity.

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