Sunday, November 1, 2015


November 2, 2015

Hello Curious Minds,
Did you know that November is National Blog Posting Month? No joke!! I was feeling a little uninspired for a blog post so I played on Google for some ideas. Wouldn't you know, I came across NaBloPoMo! Not only did this get me excited to write our blog today, it got me excited for you to read it!

The real purpose of our blog is to connect us all together; one nice Lincoln Center 3rd Grade Community. Each day that we each read it, we all have something in common. I don't know about you, but I feel comforted knowing I'm connected with others.

One of our PYP Attitudes is CONNECTION. How do you make connections between home and school? How do you feel connected at school? How can you make others feel connected? Because really, we're all in this together!

Image result for we're all in this together

We're All in This Together

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

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