Friday, October 30, 2015

Time to Celebrate!

October 30, 2015

Happy End-of-October!
I don't know about you, but I feel like this month has FLOWN by! It seems like just last week we sat together in the hallway to celebrate classmates for being CARING and COMMITTED. Those twelve students continue to impress us by living the PROFILE each day. Thank you for being great role models!

Today we will honor twelve students for truly practicing the ATTITUDES of INTEGRITY and COOPERATION. These children consistently do the right thing and really try to work well with others.

Please keep in mind, even if you are not recognized at our hallway ceremony, that DOES NOT mean that you do not practice the PROFILE. These ceremonies are a great time to practice EMPATHY and simply be excited for the children being recognized!

Image result for children celebrating
Side note! If you are trick-or-treating this weekend, please remember to be safe, and be smart! Enjoy the weekend!

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

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