Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday

Featuring Ms. Thompson's 3rd Grade Class!!

Sometimes we choose books because we like the title or cover, or because we like other books the author has written, or because a friend recommends the book.  Mrs. Applequist and Mrs. Krone recommended The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate and that is what Ms. Thompson’s class is reading for their read aloud.  So far, we’ve used our reading skills to make predictions about what is going to happen.  We’re also talking about what character traits Ivan and Ruby exhibit.  Soon, we’ll know enough about the characters to compare and contrast them.  If you’ve already this great book, which so many people have recommended…shhhhh!  Don’t give away the ending!  There are copies of this book in the Library if you’d like to read it along with us!

Image result for the one and only ivan  

Image result for the one and only ivan ruby   Image result for the one and only ivan ruby

Read! Read! Read!
Be good. Be nice. Behave!

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