Thursday, October 8, 2015

What I Am!

October 9, 2015

Third Graders,
We've made it through another week of school! We are now well into our routines and expectations. Many of us come to school ready to work hard. We've been working in reading, writing, math, and adaptations. The cool thing is, we've also been working on being good citizens. Each time we talk about or practice the PYP Profile or Attitudes, we take action to make ourselves a little better!

Your teachers are proud of you! Together, we are accomplishing big things!

This is one of my favorite artists, along with some of my favorite monsters, singing one of my favorite songs. This song reminds me a lot about being a PYP family (even though it is NOT a PYP song)!


Image result for will i am sesame street

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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