Monday, October 5, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday...

... Featuring Ms. Thompson!

With six people in our family who love to read, our house is always full of books.  One series that we like reading as a family is the Berenstain Bears books.  Many of you have either read the books or watched the shows and you know that these fun pictures books try to teach important life lessons about how we should treat one another and they also describe ways that we can make a small difference in the world.  The character traits are similar in each book.  Papa is loving but sometimes stubborn, Mama is hardworking and kind, Brother and Sister Bear can be mischievous but also very helpful, and Sister Bear is quiet and innocent.  There’s usually a character that you can always find a connection to.  Try one out and see who has character traits that you can make a connection to!    

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

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