Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Rad Zoo

October 28, 2015

Hello Risk Takers!
A week or two ago we had a visit from RAD ZOO! Each class had the opportunity to go to an in-school field trip to meet a few creatures and learn more about adaptations some animals make in order to survive and thrive!

Here is a group of children holding the yellow ____ . Do you remember what this is? What did you learn about it?

Feel free to check out pictures, and lots more facts and information about all the cool animals we saw at

Over the past month and the next couple weeks, all third graders will have another in-school field trip. Warner Nature Engineers come to our classrooms for three days and talk to us about adaptations of plants and animals. This either started or will end your unit of inquiry about ADAPTATIONS. Think about what you learned and the structures of plants/animals; adaptations; and traits. 

Our next unit is SOLAR SYSTEM!! I wonder what kind of cool field trip we could IMAGINE about for this unit!

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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