Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Rainbow Fish

October 21, 2015

Happy Conferences Days!
They are finally here! Time to celebrate six weeks of learning, growing, reflecting, and goal setting. We've been spending so much time thinking about ourselves and what we do well and what needs work. I've noticed a lot of really great friendships forming in third grade! This isn't always something we reflect on for conferences though.

How many of you did not know many people very well in your third grade class? Anyone nervous to meet new kids?

In the story RAINBOW FISH, the fish learns how to be a good friend and the importance of sharing. Third grade is a year when we really learn the importance of being a good friend. Listen to the story and make a personal connection. How are you like the fish, and how are you different?

                                                      You                Both          Rainbow Fish
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Image result for rainbow fish
Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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