Sunday, October 11, 2015

Book Fair

October 12, 2015

Hello Readers,
Coming up soon we will be celebrating what you've accomplished so far in third grade. Your teachers are eager to meet with you and your parents at conferences next week. We will all be getting ready to show what we know so far and make goals for the next couple months.

Another exciting thing about next week... The Lincoln Center Book Fair is coming to our Media Center. You will have an opportunity to check out the book fair with your families at conferences. The books and other things sold are similar to what is sold in book orders.

Take a minute with your class to watch the information clip about the book fair. If you have questions about it, be sure to ask Mrs. Brimacomb or Mrs. Spreigl when you visit the library this week.

Read! Read! Read!

Scholastic Book Fair

Image result for children reading
Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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