Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Hola LC 4th Graders, from Senor Stanke!

Thank you for inviting me to Book Talk Tuesday! I wanted to share with you a little bit about my reading that I do every week. I am taking a lot of classes right now! I just finished my Master's Degree, and have continued on for another degree in Leadership. This has me reading A LOT of books about leadership, how schools can succeed, and most of all how to best support students and teachers. 

Image result for education leadership quotes

However, when I am not reading for school, I really enjoy reading for fun! I read the newspapers and Time Magazine a lot, but right now I am reading an autobiography by a state senator from Atlanta, Georgia. His name is John Lewis, and he was a close friend and colleague of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. I was lucky enough to even meet him two summers ago in Washington D.C.! He lives the profile daily in the way that he cares and advocates for others. He is a champion of equality and freedom for all. 

I love to read about history, magical fantasy, culture (especially Latin American culture!) and mysteries! I have not always been the fastest reader, but when I find a good book, it is hard to put down. Thank you again for letting me share with you! 

Image result for john lewis  Image result for time magazine covers  Image result for newspaper

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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