Sunday, November 22, 2015


November 23, 2015

Hello 3rd graders,
Your teachers and many other adults in the building have noticed a big improvement with our lines at dismissal. Way to go! Your efforts with line basics and self control are noticeable!

It is time to transfer that self control to the cafeteria. Last week a few helpers in the lunchroom mentioned that 3rd graders are the noisiest and the messiest! What?!?! At the very beginning of the year we talked about expectations in the lunchroom. As a reminder, stay sitting at YOUR table until your teacher asks you to line up. Also, make sure your table and the floor near you is tidy. Let's imagine we're eating in a restaurant... what would you look and sound like? Let's make noticeable improvements!

Image result for lunchroom clipart    Image result for lunchroom clipart   

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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