Sunday, September 13, 2015


Welcome back!
Last week we worked diligently to begin establishing routines and expectations. Each week is going to become more normal and our routines will become habits. We all do better when we know what to expect. Keep up the hard work!

Early this week each class will begin working on Hopes and Dreams. One way to accomplish big things, is to set goals. At school, we set goals and work hard to achieve them. We are all going to read SOMEDAY by Eileen Spinelli about a little girl always thinking about TODAY and SOMEDAY. While you're listening, think about your SOMEDAY!

Image result for someday by eileen spinelli

Today I have a HUGE challenge for all third graders. After practicing dismissal once and actually doing it four times, we're ready for the challenge. Most of you know exactly where to go when you leave your classroom. This is great! We all need to work on voice control though. Holy cow, it is so noisy in our hallway at dismissal that children cannot hear teachers talking to them. This is an easy problem to fix. Remind each other at dismissal about the challenge. Tomorrow in the blog, I will tell you which line was the most quiet and had the best line basics... all the way!

Will it be the Kids' Choice Line? How about Doors 1 or 2? Could it be the bus line? We shall see!!

Image result for shhhh quotes

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

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