Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Looks like, Sounds like, Feels like....

Howdy partners!
What did that make you think of? Did you see a picture in your head? What if I said, "Yippee-I-Oh cowboy!" to you really loud and long? Did you see a picture in your head? How about if I said, "Boy, these baked beans sure smell good!!" Did it make you think of a time you had beans?

Readers and listeners should practice VISUALIZING what they are reading and hearing. We create pictures in our heads of what we think things would look like. Somehow, this helps our brains understand, or comprehend, it better.

Sometime today, take a minute to watch these children VISUALIZING with their teacher. It's always fun to see what other classes look like!

Image result for visualizing


Be good. Be nice. Behave!

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