Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What a Character!!!

G'day Mates!
It is so exciting that we are really getting into our academic routines. Reading, writing, math... I can feel the brain power in our hallway! I am interested to know, what is your teacher reading to your class? Mrs. Applequist's class read aloud is BECAUSE OF WINN DIXIE. Each book that your classes are reading have main characters. Each character has character traits.
Image result for character traits for kids
In BECAUSE OF WINN DIXIE, Opal is a thoughtful girl who is confused about a lot of things in her life. She is kind and caring and really wants good things for the people in her life. She is a helper and an inquirer. How are you like Opal? How are you different?
Image result for because of winn dixie

When your class is ready, there is a Brain Pop video about Character Traits! 

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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