Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Image result for first day of school
Hello 3rd Grade Thinkers!
We are so excited to see you back at school. This was a very long summer. For some of us it went quickly and for others, it went slowly. Think about your summer... was it fast, slow, or just right? Hopefully your summer was peaceful, fun, and safe.

There are 6 LC 3rd grade teachers. You will get to know us all this year. Today we will all come together twice to practice our lunch and dismissal routines. In your classrooms you will talk about Essential Agreements and how we can be safe at lunch and when it's time to go home.

We have a couple changes at lunch this year. We will show you where you will sit, where to get lunches, and what to do when you're finished. One important thing to remember in third grade is that when you are finished eating and cleaning your area, you stay SITTING DOWN AT YOUR TABLE until your teacher asks you to line up. Each class will do this. We talk more about this when we practice.

Image result for cafeteria

Make today great! 
Be principled. Be caring. Have integrity. 

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