Thursday, September 10, 2015


Hello Students,
Can you believe we've made it through the first week of third grade. We've already experienced lots of ups and a few downs. We are establishing our essential agreements and hopes and dreams. It is so great that we are all taking time to prepare our learning communities for a successful year! Way to go!

Many of you are familiar with Kid President. Robby Novak is a student a little older than you are. He is an excellent example of the power of action. He, along with his brother-in-law, decided they had important messages to share with the world. Their messages inspired others to do good things too.

Image result for kid president

Here is a clip from one of Kid President's first videos on YouTube. Really think about his message.
 A Pep Talk for Students and Teachers

Make today awesome!!

Be principled (be good). Be caring (be nice). Behave (Have integrity).

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