Thursday, April 30, 2015

It's a GRITTY Thursday!

April 30, 2015

It's a GRITTY Thursday!
Good morning, 4th graders.  The teachers were talking about how proud we are of our students.  We know that you are working hard on your MCA tests.  Kudos to Mr. Frischmann, Mrs. Applequist and Mrs. McAlpine for being done.  Please encourage all of your friends from Mrs. Larson's, Mrs. Laliberte's, and Mrs. Brown's  classes to finish strong on their math MCA tests!   

Having grit is not easy, but its very important.  Think of an area in your life that needs some grit.  Discuss this with your neighbor.  (Do you need to work on homework, school effort, physical activity, or keeping your room clean?)  We all have areas that need more focus and concentration.  Part of growing up is learning how to apply GRIT in all areas of your life.

Check out the gritty fourth graders in Mrs. Larson's room.  Thomas, Owen, and Munira ran two miles around the track, and they didn't complain.   Way to go, friends.

Have a great day.

Be principled. Be caring. Have integrity.
Be good.  Be nice.  Behave!

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