Monday, April 27, 2015


April 27, 2015

Happy Monday Fourth Graders! Our next Unit of Inquiry is How We Organize Ourselves, Landforms. Our Central Idea is that people depend on, adapt to, or change the geographical environment in order to meet their needs.  You will look into and learn about the types of landforms, how maps communicate landforms, population, political boundaries and climate.

Look at the photo below:
Image result for mountains
Look at the picture with your class.  Together, think about what you see? What you think? and What do you wonder about this picture? What type of Landform is shown in the picture?

The types of landforms you will be learning about are: Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Deserts, and Mountains.  Which one would you be interested in researching and learning more about?

Watch the Brain Pop video about Mountains.

Be principles. Be caring. Have integrity.
(Be good. Be nice. Behave.) 

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