Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Thinking Thursday

April 23, 2015

Hello thinkers!
We are beginning our Unit of Inquiry studying landforms around the world. Some classes have started sharing what we think we know and wondering together what forms different landforms, how salty the ocean is, what's so great about the great lakes, and where the largest desert is? This unit provides so many opportunities for us to ask great questions and follow up by finding the answer... The action cycle!

Here in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, we live by several different landforms. What type of land do we live on? The same question was asked on Wonderopolis recently. Take a minute to read/watch to see if we live on a prairie.

Image result for prairie

Is Your House on the Prairie?

For those of you taking the reading MCA today, take your time. Be thinkers and have grit! This is time to show what you know! Be proud of yourself... you've worked hard in fourth grade!

Be principled. Be caring. Have integrity.
(Be good. Be nice. Behave.)

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