Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Book Talk Tuesday

January 5, 2016

Good morning readers,
Not too long ago, I told you about my favorite book, TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. Harper Lee, who my dog is named after, wrote this book in the late 1950s. It was and is an incredibly popular book because of the strong message of justice and empathy. I was very excited to get her new book for Christmas!

Last year, it was discovered that Harper Lee had secretly written a book before she wrote TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. Her first unpublished book, GO SET A WATCHMAN was discovered and published long after she passed away. Because what people thought was her first book was so wildly popular, her second book was highly anticipated!

Image result for tell a watchman

GO SET A WATCHMAN is set 20 years after TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. Scout, returns home to visit her father. In this book she is an adult and sees her family and town very differently than she did as a child. Her visit home is during a very stressful time in our country when people fought for civil rights. To defend others and try to make sure they have their needs met and are treated fairly, people must have empathy. 

Empathy is one of the attitudes we are focusing on in January. Empathy is really trying to think and feel what others are going through. It is thinking, what if that happened of me? How would I feel? How can we practice empathy at school?

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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