Friday, January 29, 2016


January 29, 2016

Hello 3rd Grade Citizens!
Today we will celebrate another great month! Way to go! We will celebrate 12 students that show exceptional creativity and empathy. The rest of us will also celebrate the hard work and commitment we have for our community and learning. Your teachers are very proud of you!

This afternoon you will be spread out between all of the classrooms. Think about your classroom essential agreements and make sure to bring them with you wherever you go!

One piece of business to address... BATHROOM ETIQUETTE! Please remember why you go into the bathroom... simply to use the bathroom!
1. go to the bathroom... quietly
2. wash your hands... quietly
3. get out... quietly
4. go straight back to your class... quietly
Image result for kid bathroom etiquette signs   Image result for be quiet

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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