Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Book Talk Tuesday

January 26, 2016

Hello readers!
Thank you to the classes that have submitted birthday month data. I will continue organizing it and share it with you tomorrow.

Today's book talk comes to you from one of my very favorite readers, my daughter, Evelyn. She is reading OLIVE AND BEATRIX AND THE NOT SO ITTY BITTY SPIDER.

Image result for olive and beatrix the not so itty bitty spider

She is really enjoying this book. It is fiction and is written in two styles ~ some pages and pictures look like comic books (graphic novels) and some pages are written in story style. The two main characters are sisters, but they are very different. Evie can make a real life connection to that ~ she and her sister are VERY different! Evie feels like she connects more with Olive because she doesn't have magic and because Olive is very kind to everyone. 

Remember, good readers make connections with what they are reading. You can make real life connections (you connect yourself with a character or event in a story); text-to-text connection (connect your book with another book); text-to-real world (connect your book to something happening in the world). What connections can you make to what you are currently reading or your class's read aloud?

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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