Monday, January 25, 2016


January 25, 2016

Good morning thinkers!
Have you ever asked a whole bunch of people the same question? People collect data, or information, when they gather a lot of information about the same thing. Here's an example... Last night I asked my whole family what their favorite ice creams are. 2 people said chocolate, one person said mint chocolate chip, and one person said vanilla.

Applequist Family Favorite Ice Cream
Chocolate = 50%
Mint Chocolate Chip = 25%
Vanilla = 25%
Image result for ice cream

There are many ways to organize data: percents, fractions, bar graphs, line plots... and many more! We are going to practice collecting and organizing data in 3rd grade.

Image result for bar graph

BrainPop Jr. Tally Charts and Bar Graphs

Now let's practice. Take a survey in your classroom, and make sure to collect the data! I will use the data and show you a couple different ways to organize it! If your class has time, you can even make a graph in your classroom!

What month is your birthday?

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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