Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Growth Mindset

January 6, 2016

Hello 3rd Graders,
We've been back together reviewing and refreshing our routines and habits. Many of us are taking time for "Re-Month" to remember what we set in place for a successful year.

How many of you have heard of, "Growth Mindset?" If we break it all apart, we know what most of the words/parts mean: growth, mind, and set. Growth is progressing and moving forward. Our mind is what and how we think. And, a set is how something is organized. Growth mindset is training your brain to step up to a challenge. It's organizing what you know and feel and figuring out how to move forward. When something seems difficult or even impossible, how can you get through it?

Here are a few examples to think about.....
This is soooooo hard!!!!
A. I can't do it.
B. What do I need in order to figure it out.

This chapter book is way too long for me.
A. If I read a little every day, I will finish it. It might take awhile, but that's okay.
B. I may as well not even start it.

We can't play football on the blacktop anymore.
A. It's all their fault.
B. How can I help my friends remember to be safe.
Image result for growth mindset for kids

Here is a story/song about a character that definitely needs to improve his growth mindset. Look for examples of character traits that are good and bad examples of growth mindset.
Pout Pout

Challenge yourself! The next time something seems too hard, think about a plan to attack it!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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