Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Governors Angeleeh & Wyatt!

January 13, 2016

Good morning Lincoln Center Citizens!
We had a fantastic opportunity to act out the process of bills becoming laws yesterday when Representative Atkins visited us. All students were divided into two groups... do you remember what they were called???

One group represented the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Rep. Atkins belongs to the group in real life!). The other group was called the SENATE. He taught us how challenging it is for people's original ideas for new laws to become "bills" before they're voted on by the HOUSE and SENATE. After the HOUSE and SENATE agree to pass a bill along to the GOVERNOR, it is the governor's job to sign the bill into law or veto it!

Angeleeh, from Mrs. Costain's class had the opportunity to play Governor! She vetoed the bill allowing 12 years olds to vote, and she passed the law for all 4 year olds to go to preschool. Wouldn't it be great it everything at the capitol was as easy and fun as it was yesterday here at Lincoln?

Wyatt S. from Ms. Thompson's class also played governor and would have liked to vote for all ages to vote. He also passed a law that school should be cancelled if the wind chill is -20! Now that's a law I can stand behind!

Thank you to all of you, 3rd graders, for being respectful students... for asking good questions and being risk takers! We are proud of you!


School House Rocks ~ A Bill Becomes a Law

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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